Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring has arrived at the Goodstone Inn!

Goodstone Inn and Estate ~ Spring
Goodstone Inn & Estate ~ Veggies Welcome to the Goodstone Gardens!  I am so excited to be able to share with you my passion for gardening and all that it entails.  I began my adventure at the Goodstone Inn last January and have just completed my first full year cycle on the farm.  During that time much was created.  We now have an amazing vegetable garden that allows us to bring our guests the most fresh and natural herbs and produce available!  We have 55 chickens and collect our own fresh eggs every day.  We have a very new little orchard planted with apples, pears, cherries, peaches, edible crab apples and persimmon and watercress is harvested from our small streams.  
All of this fresh food is harvested and brought immediately to our kitchen where our Chef, Tarver King, in turn works his magic on these raw ingredients to create a dining experience unmatched by any other.  Any food that can not be grown or raised on our farm is acquired from other local farmers and gardeners who share our passion for responsible farming/gardening and local food. Visit Tarver's blog to get a taste of his adventures and creations.  Along with my passion for veggie and herb gardening is my love of perennial gardening! 
  The Goodstone Inn had a nice "woodsy" garden already started when I arrived.  Immediately I began to build upon that location to include and develop the surrounding areas as "woodsy"  or woodland gardens  by adding all my woodland favorites!  Ferns, Columbine, jack in the pulpit, native ginger, witch hazel, hellebore, Bird foot violets, bluebells, trillium, foam flower, blood root and sooooo much more! I will be building on this collection every spring and fall.  The goal is to have all of these amazing specimens naturalize in our woods.
  Last year every house on the farm, there are 5, along with the pool gardens and the hot tub garden began to get a horticultural make over! This process will continue on this year and many more !  The garden is never done !  I will be starting the "native plant trail" which involves reintroducing native plant species along our 3 1/2 mile hiking trail.  This will not only result in adding beauty and wonder to our hiking trail but add a lot of diversity, food and habitat to all of the important species and creatures that reside on our land and the areas surrounding.  
 Every fall we will be planting thousands of Daffodils, snow drops, allium, ornithogalum, wood hyacinth, crocus and other bulbs.  The evidence is abundant already!!!  Our Daffodil display is amazing this year!   I look forward to being able to catalogue and share our dreams, plans, practices, goals, achievements and adventures via this blog!  Happy spring and Happy gardening !!!!
Airynee~The Goodstone Gardener


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to visit again soon and see what more you've achieved!

  2. Beautiful as always, Airynee!! You're blessed to have such a fantastic gift for making dirt blossom and also to have such acreage to make it happen!!

  3. Heather Meyer-BoothbyApril 21, 2009 at 8:13 AM

    Airynee everything looks magical!! You Grow Girl!!

  4. Great job Airynee. You and your team make this such a beautiful property to be a part of!!

  5. Hey Airynee -- What a great blog! Thanks for sharing your excitement about gardening, and I hope to some day soon see what you've created in person.
    - Claire

  6. hey Airynee, the blog looks amazing!I just linked you up.Thank you for doing it i cant wait to follow what your doing and so do alot of people. you are #!*$! awsome

  7. Neenee, keep it up. You are the reason this place looks amazing!

  8. Airynee I am so excited about reading more about your gardening as well! My husband and I visited last December and loved this magical place.

  9. Airynee,
    I so enjoyed your blog! Your gardens look fabulous and I will look forward to visiting in person soon. Thanks for coming by yesterday to catch up. I wish you every success with this incredible undertaking. What a palette to paint on! Ann
